Editorischer Kommentar

Das Dokument enthält die Antworten des Botanikers und Forschungsreisenden Robert Brown auf einen im Spätsommer 1816 in Paris verfassten Fragenkatalog Humboldts zur Pflanzengeographie. In seinem Dankschreiben (Paris, 18. April 1817, British Library, Correspondence and Papers of Robert Brown, Add MS 32440, fol. 144) geht Humboldt insbesondere auf die ausführliche Liste in Antwort Nummer 14 ein, in der Brown Pflanzen aufführt, die sowohl in den Tropen der Alten als auch der Neuen Welt heimisch sind. Die zahlreichen Bearbeitungsspuren Humboldts in Form von Notizen und angeklebten Zetteln belegen eine immer wieder aufgenommene, mindestens bis in die späten 1840er Jahre reichende Beschäftigung mit diesem Manuskript.

Faksimile 10v
Große Ansicht (Digilib)


| 10v– 15. To answer this query it is necessary to go
a little into the history of the two plants mention’d
in it.

1st Asplenium monanthemum. Linn.
Linneus by whom the species was established had his
plant from Prom. b. spei and it is figur’d in Smith 1789–1791, Fasciculus III, 73.

icones ined. 73
.. This plant I have gather’d at the
Cape of Good Hope. the additional loci natales
of „Insulae Philipp. Marian. Peru & Nova Hispania
in  Swartz 1806, 80.

Swadtz’s syn.
&  Linné/Willdenow/Link 1797–1830, 322–323.

Willd. sp.
are first given by
Cavanilles in his demonst. . 1801 p. 258. on the authority
of Nee’s Herbarium and probably adopted by these
authors without consideration.

In Herb. Banks. there is no american species
approaching to monanthemum. there is one however
from the Sandwich Islands nearly related to it which
may very likely be the plant of the Phillippine & Mariane
. The evidence of either this or of true monan-
being american does not appear to me

2d Asplenium [sic] punctulatum Willd. sp. 5 p. 220.
is first established by  Swartz 1806, 46; 245.

Swadtz in syn. fil.
from the Sierra Leone plant which it appears he had
from Afzelius. Though the specific name be taken
from Plumier:  Swartz 1806, 245.

l. c.
[.] I am inclin’d to think Swadtz
has no west india specimen of his punctulatum & if so
its being american therefore will depend on the correct-
ness of his reference. in my opinion a very slender
foundation for identity of species in that tribe or

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Brown, Robert: Answers to Baron A. Humboldt’s queries on Botanical Geography (London, Ende 1816 oder Anfang 1817), hg. v. Ulrich Päßler unter Mitarbeit von Eberhard Knobloch, Ingo Schwarz und Anne Greenwood MacKinney. In: edition humboldt digital, hg. v. Ottmar Ette. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Version 9 vom 04.07.2023. URL: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0015188. Folio: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0015188/10v


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