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Anmerkung Carl Sigismund Kunth (am oberen Rand) L Edinburgh, 7 St. John Street

14 March 1822


When about to set off from Paris, you wished me to give you some notes on what species of mosses were common to Northern and Tropical countries: this I was for a long time prevented from doing, indeed it caused me to look over very narrowly my whole Herbarium of Mosses, as well as those of another friend in Edinburgh. Yet my list is very small: I have also joined in it some others which are remarkable & have been generally supposed as confined to Europe, but have really been found in other continents. As I have not a copy of Brown’s paper containing the list of Mosses common to New Holland, which I believe is contained in his „General remarks on the flora of New Holland“, I have not referred to it. This list must therefore be understood only as supplementary. I hope it may be of service to you

I am, yours sincerely G A Walker Arnott

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L – George Arnott Walker-Arnott an Alexander von Humboldt. Edinburgh, 14. März 1822, hg. v. Ulrich Päßler unter Mitarbeit von Ingo Schwarz. In: edition humboldt digital, hg. v. Ottmar Ette. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Version 9 vom 04.07.2023. URL: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0000699. Folio: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0000699/1r


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