Editorischer Kommentar

Im März 1825 hielt sich der schottische Botaniker George Arnott Walker-Arnott in Paris auf. Dort fertigte er auf Bitten Humboldts diese Liste zur Geographie der Moose an. Die am oberen Rand der ersten Seite eingetragene Sigle B verweist auf die Nummer 10 der von Karl Sigismund Kunth 1825 angelegten Ideensammlung zur Neuausgabe der Geographie der Pflanzen („Verbreitung der Moose“). Bereits 1822 hatte Walker-Arnott für Humboldt eine Auflistung von Moosen angefertigt, die sowohl in der nördlichen Hemisphäre als auch in den Tropen vorkommen. Sie trägt in der Kunth'schen Materialsammlung die Sigle L. Auf die erste Seite des Dokuments montierte Humboldt ein Blatt mit Exzerpten aus Thomas Edward Bowdichs 1825 „Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo“ (Bowdich 1825). Die auf diesem Blatt angegebene Sigle C korrespondiert ebenfalls mit Nummer 10 der Kunth'schen Materialsammlung.

Faksimile 6v
Große Ansicht (Digilib)


| 6v8ferences sufficient to characterise a variety: it was the sight of
this very plant in the sandy deserts of Africa, that inspired the
traveller Mungo Park, when fatigued & overpowered with thirst as
he mentions in his travels, to push forward & endeavour to
procure some refreshment. – Another species of this section
D. taxifolium has been traced in Nepal. and If Dicranum
(Fissidens) Semicompletum, and Skitophyllum fontanum, or Fontinalis juliana
be, as I suppose, identical it has been found both in Europe
& in the innerhalb der Zeilein Patagonia, isle of Providence, & perhaps the isles
of Bourbon
. – Of another tribe of Dicrana, those with no
nerves to the leaf, & resembling Sphagnum in texture, one
D. glaucum has been met with in nearly all parts of the
world: it occurs however more rarely within the tropics and
D. megalophyllum (Sphagnum javense of Brid. ) takes its place.
In new Holland, a third species of this tribe appears to have been
sent to Dillenius, but perhaps his figure is only a bad represen-
tation of  über der Zeilea state of D. glaucum which does occur there. – The
remainder of the Dicrana are nearly 40 in number, of which
scarcely more than 13 are confined to Europe, not above one or
two to North america; South america posseses the D. vagina-
,  über der Zeile[Dicranum] densum, and [Dicranum] longisetum, and a few also are peculiar to Nepal.
But about 11 or 12, are common both to Europe & North america,
two or three to Europe & Nepal, about as many to Europe
and New Holland; Some species, which are met with in
Jamaica & the neighbouring islands,  über der Zeileas D. calycinum, occur also [...] in
the isles of Bourbon. D. crispum (an European species) is said
by Thumbergto grow at the cape, but I suspect his plant
to be D. flexifolium, a species peculiar to that country. The most
widely diffused species of the whole genus is D. scoparium, which
has been found in almost every country in the world. And another
species D. Harkii is I suspect nearly as common, though at
present retaining different names.

Thesanomitrion .

This genus may be reckoned alpine, but with the excep-
tion of Th. flexuosum, which occurs also über der Zeilemost commonly in Europe, may be
considered belonging to the tropics. – Th. concolor (Dicranum
Hook. ) from über der Zeileis only found [in] New Granada occurs also in the Isle
of Bourbon and, a small variety,  über der Zeile? perhaps Th. capillaceum, not described in the Synopsis
to the „Nova Genera &c.“
, seems not uncommon über der Zeileto be found in St. Helena,
Ile of Bourbon
, & the moluccas. Th. introflexum is perhaps the

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Walker-Arnott, George Arnott; Humboldt, Alexander von: B / C – Geographie der Moose, hg. v. Ulrich Päßler unter Mitarbeit von Ingo Schwarz. In: edition humboldt digital, hg. v. Ottmar Ette. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Version 9 vom 04.07.2023. URL: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0000007. Folio: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0000007/6v


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