Editorischer Kommentar

Im März 1825 hielt sich der schottische Botaniker George Arnott Walker-Arnott in Paris auf. Dort fertigte er auf Bitten Humboldts diese Liste zur Geographie der Moose an. Die am oberen Rand der ersten Seite eingetragene Sigle B verweist auf die Nummer 10 der von Karl Sigismund Kunth 1825 angelegten Ideensammlung zur Neuausgabe der Geographie der Pflanzen („Verbreitung der Moose“). Bereits 1822 hatte Walker-Arnott für Humboldt eine Auflistung von Moosen angefertigt, die sowohl in der nördlichen Hemisphäre als auch in den Tropen vorkommen. Sie trägt in der Kunth'schen Materialsammlung die Sigle L. Auf die erste Seite des Dokuments montierte Humboldt ein Blatt mit Exzerpten aus Thomas Edward Bowdichs 1825 „Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo“ (Bowdich 1825). Die auf diesem Blatt angegebene Sigle C korrespondiert ebenfalls mit Nummer 10 der Kunth'schen Materialsammlung.

 Achtung! Bei diesem Dokument handelt es sich um die archivierte Version 6 vom 13.10.2020.  Zur aktuellen Version 9 vom 04.07.2023

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Anmerkung Carl Sigismund Kunth (am oberen Rand) B.

Andreaea .

Aufgeklebte Notiz Carl Sigismund Kunth (am linken Rand) | 1r C.  Vgl. Thomas Edward Bowdichs Bericht über seine Exkursion nach São Vicente während seines Aufenthaltes auf Madeira (Bowdich 1825, 49–50): Here I first saw the beautiful fern asplenium palmatum. The filices form by far the most interesting family in Madeira, verifying Baron de Humboldt’s remark, that their maximum may be found in the mountainous parts of small islands […], yet I was disappointed at not finding the dicksonia mentioned by the above author […].

Filices abondent dans les îles. Dicksonia ou arborescent ferns pas trouvé à Madère
Bowdich Travels page 49. Vermilia bicarinata et Galeoloria elongata de Nouvelle Hollande trouvé à Madère Bowdich page 63! Géographie des plantes de Madère Bowdich page 101, 152, 248 | 1v [...]

This genus is, as far as I have been enabled to determine, confined wholly to Europe: it occurs in mountainous districts usually at very considerable elevations. There are only four species; those which were known to Linné were confounded by him with Jungermannia.


I consider that there are only four species of this genus two of which at least are very widely distributed: Sphagnum latifolium occurs in marshes throughout all Europe. I possess it also from North america, where I believe it is as abundant as in Europe: Michaux has called it Sphagnum vulgare . It is described by Bridel from the straits of Magellan under the name of Sphagnum magellanicum . In the Isles of Bourbon, France, and New Holland, (and I believe also in East India) it has also been found. Sphagnum acutifolium seems nearly as widely distributed, but I do not recollect of having observed Sphagnum squarrosum , or Sphagnum cuspidatium as occuring out of Europe. Some botanists, and I think with justice, consider that there is only one species of this genus.


This genus may be considered as nearly European, & the species are nearly confinded, as far as has been hitherto observed to the middle districts of Europe. To the north the species become few, and finally disappear in the Arctic circle: About the middle & South of England, Germany, & France, they are found in considerable numbers, but, whether through the negligence of botanists I know not, they are scarcely at all found farther south. A few of the European species have been found in North america in Pennsylvania , among these are Phascum subulatum, Phascum crispum, Phascum patens, Phascum cuspidatum, Phascum crassinervium, and perhaps a few others: of these Phascum subulatum has I believe also been found in New Holland. Phascum coherens and Phascum flexuosum are perhaps the only two confined exclusively to North America (Pennsylvania ). Phascum alternifolium occurs in Great Britain, in Germany, and, if I mistake not at the Cape of Good Hope and (if Bridel’s Pleuridium be, as I suppose, the

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Walker-Arnott, George Arnott; Humboldt, Alexander von: B / C – Geographie der Moose, hg. v. Ulrich Päßler unter Mitarbeit von Ingo Schwarz. In: edition humboldt digital, hg. v. Ottmar Ette. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Version 6 vom 13.10.2020. URL: https://edition-humboldt.de/v6/H0000007. Folio: https://edition-humboldt.de/v6/H0000007/2r


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