Editorischer Kommentar

Im März 1825 hielt sich der schottische Botaniker George Arnott Walker-Arnott in Paris auf. Dort fertigte er auf Bitten Humboldts diese Liste zur Geographie der Moose an. Die am oberen Rand der ersten Seite eingetragene Sigle B verweist auf die Nummer 10 der von Karl Sigismund Kunth 1825 angelegten Ideensammlung zur Neuausgabe der Geographie der Pflanzen („Verbreitung der Moose“). Bereits 1822 hatte Walker-Arnott für Humboldt eine Auflistung von Moosen angefertigt, die sowohl in der nördlichen Hemisphäre als auch in den Tropen vorkommen. Sie trägt in der Kunth'schen Materialsammlung die Sigle L. Auf die erste Seite des Dokuments montierte Humboldt ein Blatt mit Exzerpten aus Thomas Edward Bowdichs 1825 „Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo“ (Bowdich 1825). Die auf diesem Blatt angegebene Sigle C korrespondiert ebenfalls mit Nummer 10 der Kunth'schen Materialsammlung.

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This genus is chiefly confined to Europe & north america. But there are a few species, formerly numbered under this genus, but now made into separate genera, that are found in the southern hemisphere. Two species also still retained in Leucodon, but very dissimilar to it in appearance are also found, the one in Peru ? (vide Leucodon Tomentosus  Kunth 1822–1825, I, 53.

Humboldt & Kunth. Synopsis
), the other in New Holland. Leucodon canariensis, now an Astradontium is found both in Teneriffe & the isle de Bourbon.

Neckera .

Like all the other Hypnoid genera this is widely diffused. Neckera crispa is found in Europe, North & South america, Teneriffe, and probably found every where: Neckera cladorrhizans is common to Europe & North america, & is I believe met with in NepalNeckera dendroides originally found in the Sandwich isles also occurs in Nepal. – Neckera viticulosa is common to Europe & North america.

Daltonia .

Only three species are found in Europe, & one of these Daltonia pennata is found also in North america, Jamaica, Guiana & Isle de Bourbon, & probably in several places in the Southern hemisphere, of the other species (16 or 18) Daltonia undulata is found in Jamaica, South america, and many other tropical countries, the others are chiefly local.


Found in the isle de Bourbon, and in Java.


With the exception of a fewspecies, and there are about 35 known, this genus may be said to be tropical. Hookeria lucens is found however in Europe & North america; but we believe no other species has yet been found there. Hookeria magellanicaoccurs at the straits of Magellan, & Hookeria cristata & Hookeria Tamarisci are only found in New Zealand. – but the localities of some species are not precisely known. The most widely diffused species is the Hypnum Tamarisci of Swartz, (but not of Hedwig.), it is found in Jamaica, South america, isle de Bourbon, Nepaul &c.


Of this genus it is impossible to give any account: Most authors at present are in the habit of making plants from remote localities distinct if they have a slight difference in appearance: it is my opinion however in this genus in particular that soil & climate will make the same species vary so much that it can scarcely be recognized.

To avoid disputes it may be better to say generally that

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Walker-Arnott, George Arnott; Humboldt, Alexander von: B / C – Geographie der Moose, hg. v. Ulrich Päßler unter Mitarbeit von Ingo Schwarz. In: edition humboldt digital, hg. v. Ottmar Ette. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Version 9 vom 04.07.2023. URL: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0000007. Folio: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0000007/8v


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