Editorischer Kommentar

Im März 1825 hielt sich der schottische Botaniker George Arnott Walker-Arnott in Paris auf. Dort fertigte er auf Bitten Humboldts diese Liste zur Geographie der Moose an. Die am oberen Rand der ersten Seite eingetragene Sigle B verweist auf die Nummer 10 der von Karl Sigismund Kunth 1825 angelegten Ideensammlung zur Neuausgabe der Geographie der Pflanzen („Verbreitung der Moose“). Bereits 1822 hatte Walker-Arnott für Humboldt eine Auflistung von Moosen angefertigt, die sowohl in der nördlichen Hemisphäre als auch in den Tropen vorkommen. Sie trägt in der Kunth'schen Materialsammlung die Sigle L. Auf die erste Seite des Dokuments montierte Humboldt ein Blatt mit Exzerpten aus Thomas Edward Bowdichs 1825 „Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo“ (Bowdich 1825). Die auf diesem Blatt angegebene Sigle C korrespondiert ebenfalls mit Nummer 10 der Kunth'schen Materialsammlung.

| 7r9 most widely diffused, as it is found in almost every island within the tropics.

Didymodon .

Of this genus, the most generally diffused is Didymodon purpureum: it is not only common in Europe & North america, but extends to the Canary isles, & the Cape of Good hope, as far as I recollect it is also a common species in New Holland. – Didymodon pallidum (Trichostomum pallidum Schwägrichen ) a plant perhaps nowhere abundant, is nevertheless widely diffused. Europe, North America, Jamaica, Patagonia, New Holland &c all posess it. Didymodon trifarium & Didymodon heteromallus has been found both in Europe & North america & perhaps a few others.

Tortula .

A considerable number are common both to Europe & North america. A variety? of Tortula inclinata (a Swiss plant) has been at the cape of good hope. Tortula membranifolia Hooker first detected in Teneriffe, has since been observed in the Pyrenées, in Swisserland, and even in the environs of Paris! – Tortula muralis, occurs both in Europe & South america (at Mendoça), Tortula ruralis occurs every where. A few species are peculiar to North america, as Tortula caespitosa, Tortula humilis, Tortula leucostoma; some are peculiar to Nepal, as Tortula indica, Tortula flavescens, Tortula angustifolia; others are peculiar to New Holland, others to the cape, others to the West Indies. Tortula cirrhata (Trichostomum barbula Schwägrichen ) found in Portugal, occurs also in Teneriffe, & a larger variety has been sent me from Rio Janeiro. Anmerkung des Autors (innerhalb der Zeile) –{Nota Bene Tortula stellata of Jamaica, said by Dickson to grow in Scotland is probably an error, there is reason to fear that he had confused his Scottish & Jamaica plants together.


There are only two species; the one is confined to the northern parts of Europe; as Scotland, Lapland &c, the other to the Straits of Magellan.


So many disputes are at present as to what are species & what are not so, in this genus, that it is difficult to say which are peculiar to Europe & I rather think however that Bartramia Halleriana, Bartramia Ithyphylla, & Bartramia arcuata are the only three that are not found elsewhere. Bartramia pomiformis , Bartramia gracilis, & Bartramia fontana, are also extremely common in North america. In which country (the North West Coast), Bartramia menziesii has only been found. Bartramia longifolia is peculiar to South america (vide.  Kunth 1822–1825, I, 55.

Humboldt & Bonpland synopsis
), but Bartramia patens has also been found there: This was found

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Walker-Arnott, George Arnott; Humboldt, Alexander von: B / C – Geographie der Moose, hg. v. Ulrich Päßler unter Mitarbeit von Ingo Schwarz. In: edition humboldt digital, hg. v. Ottmar Ette. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Version 9 vom 04.07.2023. URL: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0000007. Folio: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0000007/7r


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