Editorischer Kommentar

Im März 1825 hielt sich der schottische Botaniker George Arnott Walker-Arnott in Paris auf. Dort fertigte er auf Bitten Humboldts diese Liste zur Geographie der Moose an. Die am oberen Rand der ersten Seite eingetragene Sigle B verweist auf die Nummer 10 der von Karl Sigismund Kunth 1825 angelegten Ideensammlung zur Neuausgabe der Geographie der Pflanzen („Verbreitung der Moose“). Bereits 1822 hatte Walker-Arnott für Humboldt eine Auflistung von Moosen angefertigt, die sowohl in der nördlichen Hemisphäre als auch in den Tropen vorkommen. Sie trägt in der Kunth'schen Materialsammlung die Sigle L. Auf die erste Seite des Dokuments montierte Humboldt ein Blatt mit Exzerpten aus Thomas Edward Bowdichs 1825 „Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo“ (Bowdich 1825). Die auf diesem Blatt angegebene Sigle C korrespondiert ebenfalls mit Nummer 10 der Kunth'schen Materialsammlung.

Faksimile 6r
Große Ansicht (Digilib)


| 6rTrichostomum.

Of the Genuine Trichostoma, the greater part are European
and are most plentiful in the mountainous, or subalpine dis-
stricts: a few are found in North america, but there are none pe-
culiar to it, all of them likewise occurring in Europe: thus über der ZeileFor T. Cana-
is only a variety of innerhalb der Zeileidentical with T. canescens. & T. obtusi-
is noways different from T. aciculare.  am linken RandT. lanugi-
found every
where – in
Chili, Mexico,
Of the true Tri-
one or two species occur in Nepal. There is also
a section of spurious ones (with long vaginating perichaetia that
when better understood may be probably joined to a different
genus), T. perichaetiale, & [Trichostomum] cylindricum both in Hookers Musci Exotici

that come the one from  leer (1 Wort)[...] & the other from  leer (1 Wort)[...] . Anmerkung des Autors (am unteren Rand) One species T. polyphyllum seems very widely distributed; it has been found
in South America by M M. Humboldt & Bonpland, at at the cape of
Good Hope
by Mr. Burchell.


this is entirely a European genus.


As far as I recollect the whole are European, there are only
four species, they are all alpine except the E. vulgaris.


I do not know that this genus occurs in South america, but
in Europe, North America,  über der ZeileWest Indies, Cape of Good Hope, Madagascar, the Moluccas,
& various of the South Sea Islands, it has bee found. Nearly
all however are European: and even when the über der Zeilea species is not Euro
, there is usually some innerhalb der Zeileone in Europe to which it bears an
affinity. Thus W. Radians from the South seas, & W. bergiana from

the cape are.
Two or three species as W. controversa and W. verti-
are common to Europe & North America[.]  über der ZeileThe last has I understand been also found in the Canary Isles. W. curvirostra
extends from the West of Europe to Asia minor. Some of the
species are alpine, but many a few innerhalb der Zeileothers are by no means so.


I consider that there is but one species of this genus: two of the
varieties occur in Europe, a third in the united states, and the
fourth in the island of Tristan d’Acunha, but there are intermediate
varieties from the same places. The European species occur as far South
as the Tyrolese Alps, & extend to Seeland.


Of the f innerhalb der Zeileone section (Fissidens Hedw. ), D. bryoides is found every
where. In Europe one finds it extremely common, as well as its va-
rieties. I perhaps über der Zeilehave seen it from N. america (united States), from S. america
(Rio janeeroMendoça &c), West india Islands, the Cape, East
, & various of the South Sea islands, nor can I find dif-

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Walker-Arnott, George Arnott; Humboldt, Alexander von: B / C – Geographie der Moose, hg. v. Ulrich Päßler unter Mitarbeit von Ingo Schwarz. In: edition humboldt digital, hg. v. Ottmar Ette. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Version 9 vom 04.07.2023. URL: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0000007. Folio: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0000007/6r


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