H. und Forster reisen am Morgen von Aachen über Clermont nach Lüttich. Aufenthalt bis zum 5. April.

The creation of the edition humboldt digital datasets is an ongoing process. The scope and accuracy of the data grows as the project progresses. We are always grateful for any additions, corrections and error reports. Please write to edition-humboldt@bbaw.de.

Suggested citation

Schwarz, Ingo (Ed.): Alexander von Humboldt-Chronologie (3. April 1790) . In: edition humboldt digital, ed. by Ottmar Ette. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Version 9 of 04.07.2023. URL: https://edition-humboldt.de/v9/H0015102

Canonical URLThis link always leads to the current version.
